About this blog

This blog is about me learning to fly.  I intend to make a post after every flying lesson, which I hope will be once a week, and then another post in mid-week that discusses some other aspect of learning to fly.

6 responses to “About this blog

  1. I’m very jealous. I’d love to do that. I will be following closely.

    Miss you man.


    • Dude, if you’d love to do it…just do it! Seriously. It’s certainly not any more risky than swiping blankets from The Star of the Sea and then going to sleep wrapped up in them on the beach right in front of the place. LOL!

  2. Love it. Go Rick. Next Stop: Palo Alto airport to visit us. Put that in your flight plan.

  3. Rick…I’m digging this blog. The way you chronicle each lesson is just cool – reminds me of when I was training and how new and fascinating it all is. You’re going into great detail and the pictures/diagrams included are perfect.

    You’re right, the whole path of the PPL is more expensive than anyone anticipates or budgets. And all those initial experiences – banking, stalling, etc. – it’s cool to hear about your experiences with them.

    I’ll be interested in learning about the cross-country’s you do, and of course your first solo. That’s a big deal and aside from your check-ride probably the most nerve-racking part of the whole training. Sounds like Mac is thorough and will have you well prepped.

    Looking forward to flying with you sometime.


    • Ted, Glad you’re enjoying it. Can’t wait until you and Elaine meet Ellen and me in some desolate place like Searchlight, Nevada for lunch. LOL!

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